Saturday, August 27, 2011

What About The Muslim?

All day long Saturday I sat in a seminar listening to a Lebanese born man talking about something that many may find quite controversial.  His subject was Christian, but it is something that the tiniest percentages of Christians ever consider engaging….much less actually moving out into…and that is making an effort to bridge a friendship to Muslims so that they might hear the gospel of salvation according to the Bible. 

I loved this seminar.  If you had been there you would have loved it too.  I could have listened to the speaker for days, but the day-long seminar was over much too quickly.  Here’s a few things I learned:

·         Most of us Christians are afraid to engage a Muslim in conversation about God.

·         Most Muslim people are open to a conversation with us about God, and would welcome it.

·         Many Muslim people are searching for God, and desire a personal relationship with Him.

·         Muslim people believe in the Law, the Psalms, the Prophets, and believe Jesus is the Word of God.  (therefore, the opportunity to build a bridge to them)

·         Muslim people are not hard to engage in conversation and welcome friendship with Americans, even Christians.

·         There are approximately 7 million Muslims in the United States.

·         Most Muslims have never read the New Testament or heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

·         Muslims are making decisions to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord in record numbers.

So what does it take for you to be equipped to engage a Muslim in a friendship that would potentially allow you to share Christ with him/her?  The first thing is a genuine heart for the lost.  Do you have that?  If not, ask God, and He will give it to you.   I guarantee it!

Then, you need training.  If you have a heart for the lost, you will want to be trained.   If you are going to a church that doesn’t offer training that equips people to be an effective witness, I might ask, why are you going to that church?

Come on.  Get on God’s program, and let’s be about what’s on His heart:  people who need to be reconciled to the Father God.  (1 Timothy 2:4)

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