Sunday, December 18, 2011

What A Great Game!

Hey, did you see the game today between the Denver Broncos and the New England Patriots?  This is the first game I've been able to watch Tebow in action, so I was disappointed they lost, of course.  I was reading a sports columnist online, and they attributed the game win to Tom Brady's power.  As great a quarterback as Brady is, I don't think so.  I think the reason the Broncos lost is they turned the ball over three times.  Hello!  Had it not been for those mistakes, the game may have had a very different outcome.

But it was a great game to watch.  Brady is so cool, and just throws the ball with laser accuracy.  But Tebow, wow, you can see why Bronco fans are so excited!  That dude can pass for sure, but man, he can run!  I loved watching him scramble away from the blitz over and over, and the way he would just run up the field when he saw a lane.  That's exciting football.  Yeah the score is important, but I love to watch exciting and talented players.

I especially love to watch them when I know they have faith in Jesus.  Tebow just happens to be one who does, AND one who can really play the game.  I discovered him on a 700 Club interview, and I believe that he's the real deal.  If you want to watch that interview, I blogged the link a while back.

I found this picture today, and it blessed me.  It's Tim Tebow (15) doing some after-game prayer with teammates and opponents.  Why do they do that?  I think it's to glorify God.  Tell me you don't think that sports figures who glorify God in their lives don't make an impact! 
 Quarterback Tim Tebow #15 Of The Denver Broncos Prays

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