Thursday, September 13, 2012

Oh, the lives we touch

Tim Tebow (Photo by Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images)Just read an article I really liked by NY Jets reporter Kristian Dyer about "sources" saying that Tim Tebow will bolt from the Jets if he's not used as a starter this season.  You can read it here: 

It's not often that the focus of sports reporting is about the character of the man.  But that's what Tebow has become known for...not what he is, but who he is.  Here's what I consider to be the best paragraph in the article-

"Sources are sources, and they can be right and they can be wrong, but when speculating on a player like Tebow, there’s more to take into account then just what happens on the field. The impact of this man isn’t measured in snaps, passes completed and touchdowns. No, Tebow will weigh his years on this earth by the lives he’s touched, and no source anywhere can know just how much that means to him."

Oh, that this is what could be said about every one of us...that our lives were measured by the lives we touched.

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