Thursday, January 12, 2012

All Pro Football Players Go To Heaven

I had a conversation with a friend the other day about how there are so many Christian football players.  I asked him, "how do you know they're Christians?"  He responded something about how they point up in the air when they make a touchdown or make a great play.  I asked him, "Don't you think that some of those guys are pointing with their index finger straight up because they're saying "We're number 1?"  He insisted that when a football player points up while in the end zone they are Heaven-bound.

OK.  So the NFL all goes to Heaven.  Or at least the receivers do.  And the quarterbacks.

But check it out,  I found a defensive lineman who is Heaven-bound!!  And I'll be darned, he's a 49er.  Patrick Willis.   He is regarded by many as the best inside linebacker in the business.  Watch number 52 this Saturday as he leads the assault on Drew Brees.

You can watch a TV segment on him right now.  Click this link for a quick overview of who he is.

Now when I watched this, the thought occurred to me about why football players pray....and what they pray for and about.  I don't think they are asking God to help them win the game.  I think they are thanking God for the strong body and mind He gave them to be able to play the game, and for the unbelievable opportunity to play professional football....and they're telling God that in all they do, lose or win, they want to glorify Him.

Perhaps that's a good word for you and me in our professional....and non-professional lives.  Ya think?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


You've got to love all the Tebow-trash talk!
But let's check out some stats from last weekend's game between the Broncos and the Steelers.  What a game!

Tebow, whose favorite Bible verse is John 3:16
  • passed for a season-high 316 yards in the game
  • set an NFL record of 31.6 yards per completion
  • AND the CBS audience rating for the game was 31.6!
  • Add to that, 3:16 was the #1 search on Google on Monday!
Source:  USA Today, Washington Post, and CBN News
Come on you doubting trash-talkers!  Of course you say all that is just meaningless coincidental football stats.  Sure you do.

When Tebow was in college, he would write "John 3:16" on his eye black.  (Today the NCAA has outlawed that.)  He also used to write "Phil" under one eye, and "4:13" under the other eye.  In case you're wondering what that means...let me tell you.  It stands for Philippians 4:13, from the Bible.  That verse says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Here's the Bible verse that is John 3:16, Tebow's favorite:  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

In case you're one who Googled 3:16, you read that verse, but you still don't get it, let me break it down for you.  The reason that Tebow loves this verse is that it shows you the way to Heaven.  God loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to take away your sins.  God never wanted you to die in your sins and go to Hell, so He made the way for you to live eternally with Him.  He says in this verse that if you will just believe in Him (Jesus), you will not go to Hell, but to Heaven.

So what do you do with that?  If you will believe what is written in John 3:16, you simply pray, and ask God to forgive you for the wrong you have done (sin), that you are turning away from that lifestyle, and that you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that God raised Him from the dead.  Then thank God for what He has just done for you.

Tebow has been quoted as saying that God's plan for his life is to be a positive role model for kids through football.  How do you think he's doing?

If you've prayed the John 3:16 prayer, please let me know, and I'll send you a Bible and some info to help you get to know Jesus. (free)