Monday, April 23, 2012

The Helper

Jesus said in John 16:7 “It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.”

Well, Jesus did go away.  He’s no longer in the Earth.  He’s in Heaven.  But he sent the Helper, aka The Holy Spirit.  It is the Helper who is God in the Earth today.  If you want to know what he is like, pay attention to what Jesus said one of his names was.  The Helper. 
What do you need help with?  I can think of lots that I need help with.  But the main thing that the Helper gives us, I believe, is the ability to live for God, to love God, and to love others.  I know that left to myself, I have no desire to do any of those.  But when I look to The Helper and ask for a fresh fill-up, he never says no.
He delights to fill us up.  It is only in the fullness of the Spirit that we can honor and glorify God.  And from that full-ness comes the full-fill-ment that makes life exciting and productive.
That’s the sort of help worth living for.  Everything else I think I need help with just sort of fades in importance.